
Career attributes: Ag, P, Int

Career skills: Unarmed Combat, Weapon Offense, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Spot, Knowledge, Intuition, Nature, Medicine, Persuasion

Trappings: Bandages, Healing Draught

Level 1 (income: Squalid)

TalentsShort Description
Herbalism (I)Can gather herbs
Beneath noticePeople ignore you
CauterizeTurn bleeding into wounds
First aidMedicine test and full round to heal 1 HP
Lore (Anatomy)Deep knowledge on subject
Read and writeCan read and write
Stitch upAdvantage to remove bleeding

Level 2 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Bleeding strike1 fortune to add bleeding to damage
BloodlettingTake bleed for advantage vs disease/poison
GrapplerAdvantage when grappling
Sanguine brokerTransfer HP from one to another
Brewing (I)Can brew potions
Herbalism (II)Can gather herbs
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
AmputateAmputate limb to save from death
CheatingSleight of hand test to reroll die/draw card
Consume alcoholAdvantage when consuming alcohol
Lore (Medicine)Deep knowledge on subject
SurgeonMedicine test and 1 hour to heal 1 HP/day

Level 3 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
ArmbreakerOpposed S test to break arm
Blinding strike1 fortune to add blinded to damage
Debilitating strikeLoose action instead of damage
Execute+3d6 dam to prone/restrained opponent
Brewing (II)Can brew potions
Poisoner (I)Can create poisons
BriberAdvantage on bribe
DealmakerBuy/sell items at ±5%

Level 4 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Armor piercing1 fortune to ignore armor points
DeathstrikeSpend action to deal 2x dam next time
Poisoner (II)Can create poisons
InterrogateAdvantage on interrogation/torture