Warrior Priest

Career attributes: WS, WP, Fel

Career skills: Weapon Offense, Weapon Defense, Endurance, Knowledge, Intuition, Medicine, Pray, Courage, Leadership, Persuasion

Trappings: Book (Religion), Leather Jerkin, Religious Symbol, Robes, Weapon (any one-handed impact melee weapon)

Level 1 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Knockout strikeAdvantage to dam with impact weapons
Reliable hitAdvantage on dam with that weapon
Stunning strike1 fortune to add stun to damage
Write purity sealSpend endeavor to create purity seal(s)
Pray ICan invoke lvl 1 prayers, WP faith point max
Impassioned zealAttract followers
CourageAdvantage to resist fear/torture
Lore (Theology)Deep knowledge on subject
Read and writeCan read and write

Level 2 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Bypass armor1 fortune to ignore impact reduction
DrilledDam +1 when next to ally
Protect allySpend move to protect ally
DevoutGain WP extra faith point max
Pray IICan invoke lvl 2 prayers, 2xWP faith point max
CauterizeTurn bleeding into wounds
Discern liesAdvantage to detect lies/counterfeit
MenacingAdvantage on intimidation

Level 3 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Debilitating strikeLoose action instead of damage
Execute+3d6 dam to prone/restrained opponent
Rout alliesSpend action to remove fear from allies
AnnointedPrayers cost 1 faith point less, never 0
Pray IIICan invoke lvl 3 prayers, 3xWP faith point max
Holy hatred (group)Prayers deal +1d6 dam vs chosen group
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
InterrogateAdvantage on interrogation/torture
Secret Signs (Divine)Understand secret signs

Level 4 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Armor masterReduce armor penalties by 1
Inspire allies1 fortune to give allies advantage to hit
War leaderAllies gain advantage vs fear
Pray IVCan invoke lvl 4 prayers, 4xWP faith point max
Commanding presenceAdvantage on Fel to lower status
Lore (Warfare)Deep knowledge on subject