
Career attributes: WS, BS, Ag

Career skills: Unarmed Combat, Weapon Offense, Weapon Defense, Throwing Weapons, Blackpowder Weapons, Endurance, Acrobatics, Initiative, Courage, Leadership

Trappings: Leather Jack, Riding Horse with Saddle and Tack

Level 1 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Defend mountForce to attack you instead of mount
Relentless charge+1d6 dam when charging
Reliable hitAdvantage on dam with that weapon
Animal affinityAnimals do simple things
RideRide horses
Sturdy travelerAdvantage on travel endurance

Level 2 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
CleaveDeal leftover dam to next opponent
Mounted fighterAdvantage against unmounted opponents
Powerful strike-1 to hit, +1d6 damage
ShieldbreakerBreak shield instead of damage
UntiringIgnore 1 fatigue condition

Level 3 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
AlertnessCannot be surprised
Armor masterReduce armor penalties by 1
ArmorbreakerDestroy armor instead of crit damage
Bypass armor1 fortune to ignore impact reduction
Weapon specialization+1 dam with that melee weapon
Animal trainingCan train animals
Lore (Warfare)Deep knowledge on subject

Level 4 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Bleeding strike1 fortune to add bleeding to damage
Push awayPush when hitting with impact weapon
Robust+1 impact reduction
Smash hard1d6 impact dam with lethal dam
Stunning strike1 fortune to add stun to damage
War leaderAllies gain advantage vs fear
Lore (Heraldry)Deep knowledge on subject