
Career attributes: Int, WP, Fel

Career skills: Weapon Defense, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Initiative, Spot, Knowledge, Intuition, Deception, Leadership, Persuasion

Trappings: Book (Law), Magnifying Glass

Level 1 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Witty reparteeInsult to gain +1 damage
Discern liesAdvantage to detect lies/counterfeit
Dramatic entranceFortune point for social advantage
Dramatic escapeFortune point for escape
GossipGain 1 rumour/session
LiarAdvantage when lying
Lore (Law)Deep knowledge on subject
Lore (Theology)Deep knowledge on subject
Read and writeCan read and write

Level 2 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Inspire allies1 fortune to give allies advantage to hit
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
ArgumentativeAdvantage when debating
BriberAdvantage on bribe
InterrogateAdvantage on interrogation/torture

Level 3 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
BlatherOpposed deception/logic to cause disadvantage
TauntOpposed test to force to attack you
Commanding presenceAdvantage on Fel to lower status
DealmakerBuy/sell items at ±5%
Lore (Nobility)Deep knowledge on subject
MenacingAdvantage on intimidation

Level 4 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Rout alliesSpend action to remove fear from allies
CounterfeitCan counterfeit licenses/permits/…
Lip readingMay read lips
Lore (Any)Deep knowledge on subject