Bounty Hunter

Career attributes: WS, BS, P

Career skills: Weapon Offense, Weapon Defense, Crossbows, Throwing Weapons, Blackpowder Weapons, Stealth, Initiative, Spot, Intuition, Deception

Trappings: Hand Weapon, Leather Jerkin, Rope

Level 1 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Entangling strikeEntangle when hitting
GrapplerAdvantage when grappling
Discern liesAdvantage to detect lies/counterfeit
GossipGain 1 rumour/session
InterrogateAdvantage on interrogation/torture
InvestigativeGain clues
RideRide horses
TrackCan track

Level 2 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Knockout strikeAdvantage to dam with impact weapons
Stunning strike1 fortune to add stun to damage
TripTrip when hitting
BriberAdvantage on bribe
MenacingAdvantage on intimidation
Read and writeCan read and write
Use ropeAdvantage when using ropes

Level 3 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
AlertnessCannot be surprised
Disarming strikeOpposed test to disarm
InfiltrationBlend into a group
Lip readingMay read lips

Level 4 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Debilitating strikeLoose action instead of damage
Improved initiativeAdvantage to initiative
Pull closerPull when hitting with entangle
DisguiseAdvantage on disguise
Lore (Law)Deep knowledge on subject