Hedge Witch

Career attributes: Int, WP, Fel

Career skills: Unarmed Combat, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Spot, Intuition, Nature, Medicine, Language Magick, Deception, Persuasion

Trappings: 1d10 Lucky Charms, Quarterstaff, Backpack

Level 1 (income: Squalid)

TalentsShort Description
Brewing (I)Can brew potions
Herbalism (I)Can gather herbs
Poisoner (I)Can create poisons
Arcane Magick ICan cast level 1 arcane spells, all lores
Second sightSense magick
Animal affinityAnimals do simple things
CauterizeTurn bleeding into wounds
Hide in natureAdvantage on stealth in nature
Lore (Herbs)Deep knowledge on subject
Lore (Folklore)Deep knowledge on subject

Level 2 (income: Squalid)

TalentsShort Description
Brewing (II)Can brew potions
Herbalism (II)Can gather herbs
Poisoner (II)Can create poisons
Arcane Magick IICan cast level 2 arcane spells, half lores
Iron stomachAdvantage vs ingested poisons/diseases
LiarAdvantage when lying
Lore (Local)Deep knowledge on subject
Stitch upAdvantage to remove bleeding

Level 3 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Brewing (III)Can brew potions
Herbalism (III)Can gather herbs
Poisoner (III)Can create poisons
Arcane Magick IIICan cast level 3 arcane spells, quadrant lores
CounterspellMay defend against spells
Dissipate channelingMay build down channeling
Hidden spellNo sound/gestures on one spell
Animal trainingCan train animals
ElusiveHide your trail
First aidMedicine test and full round to heal 1 HP
HunterProvide food when outdoors
Lore (Genealogy)Deep knowledge on subject
Lore (Magick)Deep knowledge on subject
Lore (Spirits)Deep knowledge on subject
Set trapsCan set traps
Unseen moveHiding is a free action

Level 4 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Brewing (IV)Can brew potions
Herbalism (IV)Can gather herbs
Poisoner (IV)Can create poisons
Arcane Magick IVCan cast level 4 arcane spells, 1 lore
CamouflageMay hide a group of characters
SurgeonMedicine test and 1 hour to heal 1 HP/day
TrackCan track