
Career attributes: Ag, Int, Fel

Career skills: Unarmed Combat, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Initiative, Spot, Knowledge, Intuition, Deception, Leadership, Persuasion

Trappings: Backpack, 2 Sets of Clothing, Deck of Cards, Dice

Level 1 (income: Squalid)

TalentsShort Description
CheatingSleight of hand test to reroll die/draw card
Discern liesAdvantage to detect lies/counterfeit
ElusiveHide your trail
LiarAdvantage when lying
Secret identityHave a secret identity/life

Level 2 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Drunken fighterOpponents gain disadvantage
CounterfeitCan counterfeit licenses/permits/…
DealmakerBuy/sell items at ±5%
Dramatic escapeFortune point for escape
Read and writeCan read and write

Level 3 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
AttractiveAdvantage to charm other gender
DisguiseAdvantage on disguise
InfiltrationBlend into a group
Lip readingMay read lips
Lore (Any)Deep knowledge on subject
Unseen moveHiding is a free action

Level 4 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Impassioned zealAttract followers
Deep pocketsHave simple items
Fast healerHeal +1HP/night
Lore (Any)Deep knowledge on subject
MenacingAdvantage on intimidation
Pick lockCan use lock picking tools