
Career attributes: BS, Int, Fel

Career skills: Weapon Offense, Weapon Defense, Crossbows, Blackpowder Weapons, Spot, Knowledge, Intuition, Deception, Leadership, Persuasion

Trappings: Courtly Garb, Foil or Hand Mirror, Jewellery worth 1 GC , Personal Servant

Level 1 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
One-hand fencing+1 parry with empty offhand
Witty reparteeInsult to gain +1 damage
Extra fortunate+1 fortune point max
Lore (Heraldry)Deep knowledge on subject
Noble bloodBorn from noble family
Read and writeCan read and write
RideRide horses

Level 2 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Disarming strikeOpposed test to disarm
Mounted fighterAdvantage against unmounted opponents
One-hand dodging+1 dodge with empty offhand
Consume alcoholAdvantage when consuming alcohol
Dramatic entranceFortune point for social advantage
Gold feverAdvantage to spot precious items
Lore (Local)Deep knowledge on subject
Performer (Any)Advantage when performing/entertaining/art

Level 3 (income: Rich)

TalentsShort Description
Extended crit rangeCrit range +1
Riposte I+1d6 dam when opponent misses
LuckyRecover 1 extra fortune
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
ArgumentativeAdvantage when debating
Iron stomachAdvantage vs ingested poisons/diseases
Lore (Politics)Deep knowledge on subject
Lore (History)Deep knowledge on subject

Level 4 (income: Luxurious)

TalentsShort Description
Inspire allies1 fortune to give allies advantage to hit
Riposte IIAdvantage to hit when opponent misses
Rout alliesSpend action to remove fear from allies
War leaderAllies gain advantage vs fear
Commanding presenceAdvantage on Fel to lower status
Dramatic escapeFortune point for escape
Lore (Any)Deep knowledge on subject