
Career attributes: BS, Ag, P

Career skills: Weapon Offense, Bows, Throwing Weapons, Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Initiative, Spot, Nature, Deception

Trappings: Short Sword, Leather Jack, Sturdy Boots and Cloak, Rope

Level 1 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
AlertnessCannot be surprised
Mobile dodgeWhen moving, +1 dodge
MobilityIgnore difficult terrain
Fast movementMovement +1 (+10m outdoors, +5m indoors)
Hide in natureAdvantage on stealth in nature
Lore (Geography)Deep knowledge on subject
RideRide horses
Sturdy travelerAdvantage on travel endurance
TrackCan track
Unseen moveHiding is a free action

Level 2 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Jump strike IAdvantage on dam when jumping down
Stealth shotRemain hidden on ranged attacks
Animal affinityAnimals do simple things
CamouflageMay hide a group of characters
ElusiveHide your trail
HunterProvide food when outdoors
SwimCan swim

Level 3 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Armor piercing1 fortune to ignore armor points
Clever shotCover penalties reduced
Exploit advantageExtra advantage on advantage
Extended crit rangeCrit range +1
Jump strike II+1d6 dam when jumping down
Terrain masterCreate cover, (dis)advantageous/difficult terrain
InvestigativeGain clues
Set trapsCan set traps

Level 4 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Defend mountForce to attack you instead of mount
Mounted fighterAdvantage against unmounted opponents
One-hand dodging+1 dodge with empty offhand
Animal trainingCan train animals
ClimbAdvantage on climbing
Long jumpAdvantage and 2x range/height on jump