
Career attributes: P, Int, Fel

Career skills: Crossbows, Blackpowder Weapons, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Spot, Knowledge, Intuition, Deception, Leadership, Persuasion

Trappings: Book (heraldry), musical instrument, blank scrolls, quill and ink

Level 1 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Witty reparteeInsult to gain +1 damage
ArgumentativeAdvantage when debating
AttractiveAdvantage to charm other gender
Commanding presenceAdvantage on Fel to lower status
Dramatic entranceFortune point for social advantage
GossipGain 1 rumour/session
Lore (Heraldry)Deep knowledge on subject
Lore (Nobility)Deep knowledge on subject
Performer (Speeches)Advantage when performing/entertaining/art
Read and writeCan read and write

Level 2 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
BlatherOpposed deception/logic to cause disadvantage
Inspire allies1 fortune to give allies advantage to hit
One-hand fencing+1 parry with empty offhand
Rout alliesSpend action to remove fear from allies
TauntOpposed test to force to attack you
Impassioned zealAttract followers
Lore (History)Deep knowledge on subject
Secret Signs (Any)Understand secret signs

Level 3 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Cloak parryCloak has +1 parry
Riposte I+1d6 dam when opponent misses
War leaderAllies gain advantage vs fear
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
DealmakerBuy/sell items at ±5%
InvestigativeGain clues
Lore (Politics)Deep knowledge on subject

Level 4 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Riposte IIAdvantage to hit when opponent misses
CounterfeitCan counterfeit licenses/permits/…
Deep pocketsHave simple items
Lip readingMay read lips
Lore (Any)Deep knowledge on subject