
Career attributes: WS, WP, Fel

Career skills: Weapon Offense, Weapon Defense, Throwing Weapons, Athletics, Endurance, Acrobatics, Knowledge, Courage, Leadership, Persuasion

Trappings: Leather Jack, Mail Shirt, Riding Horse with Saddle and Tack, Shield, Trade Tools (Farrier)

Level 1 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
Armor masterReduce armor penalties by 1
Disarming strikeOpposed test to disarm
Reliable hitAdvantage on dam with that weapon
Lore (Heraldry)Deep knowledge on subject
Noble bloodBorn from noble family
Read and writeCan read and write
RideRide horses

Level 2 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Mounted fighterAdvantage against unmounted opponents
Protect allySpend move to protect ally
Relentless charge+1d6 dam when charging
Robust+1 impact reduction
Shield pushPush with a shield
Smash hard1d6 impact dam with lethal dam

Level 3 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
Defend mountForce to attack you instead of mount
Powerful strike-1 to hit, +1d6 damage
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
AttractiveAdvantage to charm other gender
CourageAdvantage to resist fear/torture
Lore (Warfare)Deep knowledge on subject
UnshakableNo cool check on blackpowder fire

Level 4 (income: Rich)

TalentsShort Description
Bleeding strike1 fortune to add bleeding to damage
Inspire allies1 fortune to give allies advantage to hit
Rout alliesSpend action to remove fear from allies
Stunning strike1 fortune to add stun to damage
War leaderAllies gain advantage vs fear
Commanding presenceAdvantage on Fel to lower status
Lore (Any)Deep knowledge on subject