
Career attributes: P, Int, Fel

Career skills: Crossbows, Blackpowder Weapons, Sleight of Hand, Initiative, Spot, Knowledge, Intuition, Deception, Leadership, Persuasion

Trappings: Abacus, Mule and Cart, Canvas Tarpaulin

Level 1 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
ArgumentativeAdvantage when debating
AttractiveAdvantage to charm other gender
DealmakerBuy/sell items at ±5%
Discern liesAdvantage to detect lies/counterfeit
Gold feverAdvantage to spot precious items
Read and writeCan read and write

Level 2 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
BriberAdvantage on bribe
Consume alcoholAdvantage when consuming alcohol
Deep pocketsHave simple items
Dramatic entranceFortune point for social advantage
ImprovisationUse other skill if narrated
Lore (Economics)Deep knowledge on subject

Level 3 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
LuckyRecover 1 extra fortune
DriveCan drive land vehicles
GossipGain 1 rumour/session
LiarAdvantage when lying
Lore (Local)Deep knowledge on subject
RideRide horses

Level 4 (income: Rich)

TalentsShort Description
Extra fortunate+1 fortune point max
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
Commanding presenceAdvantage on Fel to lower status
Dramatic escapeFortune point for escape
InterrogateAdvantage on interrogation/torture
SailCan use ships