
Career attributes: T, Int, Fel

Career skills: Crossbows, Endurance, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Spot, Knowledge, Intuition, Nature, Courage, Persuasion

Trappings: Scroll case, empty scrolls, maps of the empire, quill and ink, sextant

Level 1 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
GossipGain 1 rumour/session
Lore (Geography)Deep knowledge on subject
Performer (Calligraphy)Advantage when performing/entertaining/art
Read and writeCan read and write
RideRide horses

Level 2 (income: Poor)

TalentsShort Description
Mobile dodgeWhen moving, +1 dodge
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
InvestigativeGain clues
Lore (History)Deep knowledge on subject
Performer (Drawing)Advantage when performing/entertaining/art

Level 3 (income: Normal)

TalentsShort Description
MobilityIgnore difficult terrain
Deep pocketsHave simple items
ElusiveHide your trail
ImprovisationUse other skill if narrated
Lore (Heraldry)Deep knowledge on subject
Sturdy travelerAdvantage on travel endurance

Level 4 (income: Good)

TalentsShort Description
UntiringIgnore 1 fatigue condition
CounterfeitCan counterfeit licenses/permits/…
Dramatic escapeFortune point for escape
InfiltrationBlend into a group
TrackCan track