
Level 1 Prayers

PrayerLevelTNTypeDurationRangeShort description
Blessed weapon115BuffroundsShortTarget deals and additional +1d6 damage on melee attacks. L or i as original wpn dam type. Cost 1 faith point per devotee buffed, or per 1d6 added.
Ironclad faith115BuffroundsShortGain ward (6+) against non-magical attacks. Cost 1 faith point per target protected.
Liturgy of Strength115BuffroundsShortDouble Strength on damage. Cost 1 faith point per devotee buffed.
Our lady of Innocence115BuffroundsShortGain a pool of dice equal to Faith points spent. Each die can be spent by any devotee to reroll 1d6 on any roll.
Shield of faith115BuffroundsShortTarget gains (invoker’s WP x faith points spent) additional temporary HP and SP.
Sword of Justice115BuffroundsShortMay reroll any 6 and add, for to hit and damage rolls; cost 1 faith point per target
Psalm of the dead115DebuffroundsShortTarget must keep rerolling all 6s. Costs 1 faith point per target.
Repentance115DebuffroundsShortTarget is overwhelmed by regret, hurts self for 1d6 L dam. per round (ignore AP). Cost 1 faith point per target
Thou shalt not kill115DebuffroundsShortTarget damage is converted from lethal to impact. Cost 1 faith point per target
Healing touch115HealinstantTouchHeal 2d6 HP or SP per Faith Point Spent
Bells of Doom115OffenseinstantShortMake pray test vs spell TN. All targets affected gain 1 deafened and 1 fear condition.
Divine intervention115OffenseinstantShortMake opposed pray vs Athletics test to fling heretic(s) away by WP meters and gain prone condition. Costs 1 faith point per target.
Penitent Man115OffenseroundsShortTarget is forced to kneel down (same as prone condition). Target can make an opposed leadership vs invoker’s pray test at the start of their turn to break free.
Whip of the flagellant115OffenseinstantTouchMake a pray vs melee TN test. If successful, the invoker takes 5 L damage to lash out and deal 5d6 L damage to the target.
Plague of Locusts115SummonroundsShortSummon a swarm of 20 locusts
Snake branch115SummonroundsShortThrow 1 to 4 branches on ground, each branch becomes WP snake minions. Cost 1 faith point per branch.
Bless food and drinks115UtilityinstantShortRemoves poison from food and drinks, makes everyone who eats from it heal 1d6 HP
Deus Vult115UtilityminutesSelfGain advantage on Leadership rolls for the duration of the prayer
Devil’s advocate115UtilityminutesSelfGain advantage on Deception rolls for the duration of the prayer
Divine study115UtilityhoursSelfTaking a few hours of time to study books and scrolls, you find clues in a library (GM discretion)
Last Sacrament115UtilityinstantTouchAvoid a recent corpse from rising as undead or worse
Mist of Incense115UtilityroundsShortReduces visibility in area (disadvantage on ranged, adv to hide), Endurance test or become lightheaded (stun condition)
Water walking115UtilityroundsShortTarget can walk on water. 1 target per faith point spent.

Level 2 Prayers

PrayerLevelTNTypeDurationRangeShort description
Banish Fear and Anger217BuffroundsShortAll devotees in area become immune to fear, stunned and fatigue effects
Blessing of protection217BuffroundsShortTarget gains ward (4+) to avoid damage from a designated heretic. May change designated heretic once per turn.
Chalice of Faith217BuffroundsShortTarget may keep re-rolling all 1s on To Hit and damage rolls
Dei Gratia217BuffminutesShortIgnore the first hit with a nonmagical weapon.
Icon of Protection217BuffroundsShortGain a pool of WP d6. Invoker and allies may spend these dice to reduce damage.
Protection from Witchcraft217BuffroundsShortTarget gains additional spell TN equal to the invoker’s WP.
Tears of Saint Adelbrecht217BuffroundsShortWhen target is hit, their attacker takes 1d6 L damage.
Martyr’s sacrifice217HealinstantTouchInvoker takes 1 to 5 L damage. For each HP lost, a target (not the invoker) heals 1d6 HP or SP.
Mourning217HealroundsTouchFor the duration of the prayer, the target does not need to make endurance tests when at 0 HP to check for dieing.
Banish darkness217OffenseroundsShortDivine light shines on area; heretics in the lit area gain 1d6 L damage per round (ignore AP), for the duration of the prayer.
Choir of Thorns217OffenseminutesShortCreate an area of thorns. Make pray test vs spell TN. All targets affected gain 1d6 L damage and 1 entangle condition.
Iron Maiden217OffenseroundsShortFor the duration of the prayer, at the start of the target’s turn, target must make an opposed endurance vs invoker’s pray test or gain 1 bleeding condition.
Strike the blasphemous217OffenseinstantTouchMake a pray vs melee TN test. If successful, deal 6d6 i damage to the target.
Plague of frogs217SummonroundsShortSummon a swarm of 20 frogs
Angel’s wings217UtilityroundsShortTarget can glide downward slowly (not fly upward)
Consacrate Oath217UtilityinstantTouchForces all targets touched during the prayer to keep their oath, or permanently lose 1 Toughness point
Divine light217Utility1 roundShortDispell darkness, reveal hidden creatures. Make pray vs spell TN test; heretics suffer 1 blinded condition for 1 round.
See truth217UtilityroundsSelfSee through invisibility and spot hidden doors
Sign of God217UtilityinstantSelfIndication whether an idea is dangerous, or give an indication where to find God’s will (GM discretion)
Turn undead217Utility1 roundShortMake pray vs spell TN test to make undead in the area flee for 1 round
Zone of silence and calm217UtilityminutesShortArea becomes silent, weather calms down, people behave calmly

Level 3 Prayers

PrayerLevelTNTypeDurationRangeShort description
Annointing of the Holy Warrior319BuffroundsShortTarget gains resistance (half damage) against nonmagical attacks.
Aura of protection319BuffroundsShortAll devotees gain ward (4+) to avoid damage from a single designated heretic. Invoker may change designated heretic 1/turn.
Blessed armor319BuffroundsShortTarget armor gains invoker’s WP x 3 additional AP, and 1 additional IR
Flagellate319BuffroundsShortTake 1 HP dam per turn; gain 1 extra (melee or ranged) attack with disadvantage
Hymn of Purity319BuffroundsShortIncrease spell TN by 2; any spell directed at target and not hitting is redirected to another creature by the target’s chosing.
Compassion319DebuffroundsShortTarget must make opposed leadership vs invoker’s pray test each turn, or chose a non-damaging action that turn.
Divine wrath319DebuffroundsShortTarget becomes vulnerable (double damage) to nonmagical attacks.
Anointing of the Sick319HealinstantTouchRemove all conditions, common diseases and common curses
Sanctuary319HealroundsWP sphereAll creatures within area (WP radius sphere) heal 1d6 HP or SP at the start of the invoker’s turn.
Chain the Demon319OffenseroundsShortMake pray vs spell TN test. Entangle all heretics in an area within range. Demons, devils and undead take 1d6 L dam per turn.
Crown of Thorns319OffenseinstantTouchChoose a target in melee range. Make pray vs melee TN test. If successful, target gains 7d6 L damage and 1 bleeding condition.
Memento Mori319OffenseinstantShortDon’t forget to die! Make pray vs spell TN test. All undead in the area suffer 5d6L damage.
Plague of Boils319OffenseinstantShortMake pray vs spell TN test. All targets in AoE suffer 2d6 i damage and gain 1 fatigue condition
Pyre319OffenseinstantTouchMake pray vs melee TN test. If successful, lights a fire at the feet of a heretic, cause 4 ablaze and 1 entangle conditions
Vade Retro Satanas319OffenseinstantShortMake pray vs spell TN test. A target in short range suffers 6d6 L damage and a fear condition
Angels of Vengeance319SummonroundsShortSummon 3 angel minions
Banishment319Utility1 roundShortMake pray vs spell TN test to make heretics in the area flee for 1 round
Confession319Utility1 roundTouchMake pray vs spell TN test to force the target to speak out loud and truly
Father’s blessing319UtilityhoursShortTarget gains 1 temporary fortune point, usable during the duration of the prayer

Level 4 Prayers

PrayerLevelTNTypeDurationRangeShort description
Deus ex machina421BuffroundsShortTarget may spend 1 fortune to ignore one attack or spell entirely. May be cast reactively out of turn.
The Hammer of the Witches421BuffroundsShortMelee weapon becomes magical, may make 1 extra melee attack per turn.
Miracle of Absolution421HealinstantTouchTarget immediately goes back to full HP and SP; all AP are repaired.
Crucifixion421OffenseroundsShortMake opposed pray vs courage test at start of each of invokter’s turns to keep the target in restrained condition.
Judgement Day421OffenseinstantShortAll devotees heal 1d6 HP and 1d6 SP. Invoker makes pray test vs spell TN. All heretics affected suffer 4d6 L damage.
Wounds of the Saviour, Stigmata421OffenseinstantShortChoose a target in short range. Make pray vs spell TN test. Wounds appear, the target gains 4 bleeding conditions
Wrath of the heavens421OffenseinstantShortMake pray vs spell TN test. Lightning strikes a heretic in short range for 9d6 L damage.
Horsemen of the Apocalypse421SummonroundsShortSummon 4 horsemen minions. Remove any remaining Faith Points when casting this miracle.
Revelation421UtilityinstantSelfInvoker gains a vision (GM discretion) and is out for 1 full round