
Level 1 Herbs

HerbLevelCost (cp)DurationVectorShort description
Dreamflower16instantIngestionCauses 1 fatigue condition
Stitch resin16instantTouchStops bleeding when smeared on wound
Heartkraut16hoursIngestionRemoves all fatigure, immune to fatigue
Fire petals I16instantTouch, ingestion+1d6 damage (L/i as weapon), or 2d6 when ingested
Healing draught I16instantTouchHeal 1d6 HP

Level 2 Herbs

HerbLevelCost (cp)DurationVectorShort description
Warlock’s roots212instantIngestionGives advantage to next spellcast test, but disadvantage to miscast roll
Persistence berries212hoursIngestionIgnore knockdown for duration of herb
Willenskraut212hoursIngestionAdvantage to all Willpower based tests for duration
Wütleaf212minutesIngestionCauses frenzy
Fire petals II212instantTouch, ingestion+3d6 damage (L/i as weapon), or 4d6 when ingested
Healing draugh II212instantTouchHeal 2d6 HP

Level 3 Herbs

HerbLevelCost (cp)DurationVectorShort description
Geist mushroom324hoursIngestionSlows mind: disadvantage on all Int, P, WP based tests
Reinigungs bark324instantIngestionNegates the effect of all other herbs
Earthwort324instantIngestionRestores all Stun Points (SP)
Restorative seeds324instantIngestionDouble the healing of next long rest
Fire petals III324instantTouch, ingestion+5d6 damage (L/i as weapon), or 6d6 when ingested
Healing draught III324instantTouchHeal 3d6 HP

Level 4 Herbs

HerbLevelCost (cp)DurationVectorShort description
Juckenthorn448hoursTouchCauses horrible itching: disadvantage on all tests for duration
Nightblood flower448hoursIngestionThins blood: doubles all existing and future bleeding conditions
Mad bark448minutesIngestionHalucinogenic: make Int (15) test or do something random
Fire petals IV448instantTouch, ingestion+7d6 damage (L/i as weapon), or 8d6 when ingested
Healing draught IV448instantTouchHeal 4d6 HP

2 items under this folder.