Level 1 Prayers
Prayer | Level | TN | Type | Duration | Range | Short description |
Blessed weapon | 1 | 15 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target deals and additional +1d6 damage on melee attacks. L or i as original wpn dam type. Cost 1 faith point per devotee buffed, or per 1d6 added. |
Ironclad faith | 1 | 15 | Buff | rounds | Short | Gain ward (6+) against non-magical attacks. Cost 1 faith point per target protected. |
Liturgy of Strength | 1 | 15 | Buff | rounds | Short | Double Strength on damage. Cost 1 faith point per devotee buffed. |
Our lady of Innocence | 1 | 15 | Buff | rounds | Short | Gain a pool of dice equal to Faith points spent. Each die can be spent by any devotee to reroll 1d6 on any roll. |
Shield of faith | 1 | 15 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target gains (invoker’s WP x faith points spent) additional temporary HP and SP. |
Sword of Justice | 1 | 15 | Buff | rounds | Short | May reroll any 6 and add, for to hit and damage rolls; cost 1 faith point per target |
Psalm of the dead | 1 | 15 | Debuff | rounds | Short | Target must keep rerolling all 6s. Costs 1 faith point per target. |
Repentance | 1 | 15 | Debuff | rounds | Short | Target is overwhelmed by regret, hurts self for 1d6 L dam. per round (ignore AP). Cost 1 faith point per target |
Thou shalt not kill | 1 | 15 | Debuff | rounds | Short | Target damage is converted from lethal to impact. Cost 1 faith point per target |
Healing touch | 1 | 15 | Heal | instant | Touch | Heal 2d6 HP or SP per Faith Point Spent |
Bells of Doom | 1 | 15 | Offense | instant | Short | Make pray test vs spell TN. All targets affected gain 1 deafened and 1 fear condition. |
Divine intervention | 1 | 15 | Offense | instant | Short | Make opposed pray vs Athletics test to fling heretic(s) away by WP meters and gain prone condition. Costs 1 faith point per target. |
Penitent Man | 1 | 15 | Offense | rounds | Short | Target is forced to kneel down (same as prone condition). Target can make an opposed leadership vs invoker’s pray test at the start of their turn to break free. |
Whip of the flagellant | 1 | 15 | Offense | instant | Touch | Make a pray vs melee TN test. If successful, the invoker takes 5 L damage to lash out and deal 5d6 L damage to the target. |
Plague of Locusts | 1 | 15 | Summon | rounds | Short | Summon a swarm of 20 locusts |
Snake branch | 1 | 15 | Summon | rounds | Short | Throw 1 to 4 branches on ground, each branch becomes WP snake minions. Cost 1 faith point per branch. |
Bless food and drinks | 1 | 15 | Utility | instant | Short | Removes poison from food and drinks, makes everyone who eats from it heal 1d6 HP |
Deus Vult | 1 | 15 | Utility | minutes | Self | Gain advantage on Leadership rolls for the duration of the prayer |
Devil’s advocate | 1 | 15 | Utility | minutes | Self | Gain advantage on Deception rolls for the duration of the prayer |
Divine study | 1 | 15 | Utility | hours | Self | Taking a few hours of time to study books and scrolls, you find clues in a library (GM discretion) |
Last Sacrament | 1 | 15 | Utility | instant | Touch | Avoid a recent corpse from rising as undead or worse |
Mist of Incense | 1 | 15 | Utility | rounds | Short | Reduces visibility in area (disadvantage on ranged, adv to hide), Endurance test or become lightheaded (stun condition) |
Water walking | 1 | 15 | Utility | rounds | Short | Target can walk on water. 1 target per faith point spent. |
Level 2 Prayers
Prayer | Level | TN | Type | Duration | Range | Short description |
Banish Fear and Anger | 2 | 17 | Buff | rounds | Short | All devotees in area become immune to fear, stunned and fatigue effects |
Blessing of protection | 2 | 17 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target gains ward (4+) to avoid damage from a designated heretic. May change designated heretic once per turn. |
Chalice of Faith | 2 | 17 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target may keep re-rolling all 1s on To Hit and damage rolls |
Dei Gratia | 2 | 17 | Buff | minutes | Short | Ignore the first hit with a nonmagical weapon. |
Icon of Protection | 2 | 17 | Buff | rounds | Short | Gain a pool of WP d6. Invoker and allies may spend these dice to reduce damage. |
Protection from Witchcraft | 2 | 17 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target gains additional spell TN equal to the invoker’s WP. |
Tears of Saint Adelbrecht | 2 | 17 | Buff | rounds | Short | When target is hit, their attacker takes 1d6 L damage. |
Martyr’s sacrifice | 2 | 17 | Heal | instant | Touch | Invoker takes 1 to 5 L damage. For each HP lost, a target (not the invoker) heals 1d6 HP or SP. |
Mourning | 2 | 17 | Heal | rounds | Touch | For the duration of the prayer, the target does not need to make endurance tests when at 0 HP to check for dieing. |
Banish darkness | 2 | 17 | Offense | rounds | Short | Divine light shines on area; heretics in the lit area gain 1d6 L damage per round (ignore AP), for the duration of the prayer. |
Choir of Thorns | 2 | 17 | Offense | minutes | Short | Create an area of thorns. Make pray test vs spell TN. All targets affected gain 1d6 L damage and 1 entangle condition. |
Iron Maiden | 2 | 17 | Offense | rounds | Short | For the duration of the prayer, at the start of the target’s turn, target must make an opposed endurance vs invoker’s pray test or gain 1 bleeding condition. |
Strike the blasphemous | 2 | 17 | Offense | instant | Touch | Make a pray vs melee TN test. If successful, deal 6d6 i damage to the target. |
Plague of frogs | 2 | 17 | Summon | rounds | Short | Summon a swarm of 20 frogs |
Angel’s wings | 2 | 17 | Utility | rounds | Short | Target can glide downward slowly (not fly upward) |
Consacrate Oath | 2 | 17 | Utility | instant | Touch | Forces all targets touched during the prayer to keep their oath, or permanently lose 1 Toughness point |
Divine light | 2 | 17 | Utility | 1 round | Short | Dispell darkness, reveal hidden creatures. Make pray vs spell TN test; heretics suffer 1 blinded condition for 1 round. |
See truth | 2 | 17 | Utility | rounds | Self | See through invisibility and spot hidden doors |
Sign of God | 2 | 17 | Utility | instant | Self | Indication whether an idea is dangerous, or give an indication where to find God’s will (GM discretion) |
Turn undead | 2 | 17 | Utility | 1 round | Short | Make pray vs spell TN test to make undead in the area flee for 1 round |
Zone of silence and calm | 2 | 17 | Utility | minutes | Short | Area becomes silent, weather calms down, people behave calmly |
Level 3 Prayers
Prayer | Level | TN | Type | Duration | Range | Short description |
Annointing of the Holy Warrior | 3 | 19 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target gains resistance (half damage) against nonmagical attacks. |
Aura of protection | 3 | 19 | Buff | rounds | Short | All devotees gain ward (4+) to avoid damage from a single designated heretic. Invoker may change designated heretic 1/turn. |
Blessed armor | 3 | 19 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target armor gains invoker’s WP x 3 additional AP, and 1 additional IR |
Flagellate | 3 | 19 | Buff | rounds | Short | Take 1 HP dam per turn; gain 1 extra (melee or ranged) attack with disadvantage |
Hymn of Purity | 3 | 19 | Buff | rounds | Short | Increase spell TN by 2; any spell directed at target and not hitting is redirected to another creature by the target’s chosing. |
Compassion | 3 | 19 | Debuff | rounds | Short | Target must make opposed leadership vs invoker’s pray test each turn, or chose a non-damaging action that turn. |
Divine wrath | 3 | 19 | Debuff | rounds | Short | Target becomes vulnerable (double damage) to nonmagical attacks. |
Anointing of the Sick | 3 | 19 | Heal | instant | Touch | Remove all conditions, common diseases and common curses |
Sanctuary | 3 | 19 | Heal | rounds | WP sphere | All creatures within area (WP radius sphere) heal 1d6 HP or SP at the start of the invoker’s turn. |
Chain the Demon | 3 | 19 | Offense | rounds | Short | Make pray vs spell TN test. Entangle all heretics in an area within range. Demons, devils and undead take 1d6 L dam per turn. |
Crown of Thorns | 3 | 19 | Offense | instant | Touch | Choose a target in melee range. Make pray vs melee TN test. If successful, target gains 7d6 L damage and 1 bleeding condition. |
Memento Mori | 3 | 19 | Offense | instant | Short | Don’t forget to die! Make pray vs spell TN test. All undead in the area suffer 5d6L damage. |
Plague of Boils | 3 | 19 | Offense | instant | Short | Make pray vs spell TN test. All targets in AoE suffer 2d6 i damage and gain 1 fatigue condition |
Pyre | 3 | 19 | Offense | instant | Touch | Make pray vs melee TN test. If successful, lights a fire at the feet of a heretic, cause 4 ablaze and 1 entangle conditions |
Vade Retro Satanas | 3 | 19 | Offense | instant | Short | Make pray vs spell TN test. A target in short range suffers 6d6 L damage and a fear condition |
Angels of Vengeance | 3 | 19 | Summon | rounds | Short | Summon 3 angel minions |
Banishment | 3 | 19 | Utility | 1 round | Short | Make pray vs spell TN test to make heretics in the area flee for 1 round |
Confession | 3 | 19 | Utility | 1 round | Touch | Make pray vs spell TN test to force the target to speak out loud and truly |
Father’s blessing | 3 | 19 | Utility | hours | Short | Target gains 1 temporary fortune point, usable during the duration of the prayer |
Level 4 Prayers
Prayer | Level | TN | Type | Duration | Range | Short description |
Deus ex machina | 4 | 21 | Buff | rounds | Short | Target may spend 1 fortune to ignore one attack or spell entirely. May be cast reactively out of turn. |
The Hammer of the Witches | 4 | 21 | Buff | rounds | Short | Melee weapon becomes magical, may make 1 extra melee attack per turn. |
Miracle of Absolution | 4 | 21 | Heal | instant | Touch | Target immediately goes back to full HP and SP; all AP are repaired. |
Crucifixion | 4 | 21 | Offense | rounds | Short | Make opposed pray vs courage test at start of each of invokter’s turns to keep the target in restrained condition. |
Judgement Day | 4 | 21 | Offense | instant | Short | All devotees heal 1d6 HP and 1d6 SP. Invoker makes pray test vs spell TN. All heretics affected suffer 4d6 L damage. |
Wounds of the Saviour, Stigmata | 4 | 21 | Offense | instant | Short | Choose a target in short range. Make pray vs spell TN test. Wounds appear, the target gains 4 bleeding conditions |
Wrath of the heavens | 4 | 21 | Offense | instant | Short | Make pray vs spell TN test. Lightning strikes a heretic in short range for 9d6 L damage. |
Horsemen of the Apocalypse | 4 | 21 | Summon | rounds | Short | Summon 4 horsemen minions. Remove any remaining Faith Points when casting this miracle. |
Revelation | 4 | 21 | Utility | instant | Self | Invoker gains a vision (GM discretion) and is out for 1 full round |