
Combat Talents

TalentMaxPrereqShort Description
Accurate shotBS, 4+1 dam with that ranged weapon
AlertnessCannot be surprised
ArmbreakerOpposed S test to break arm
Armor masterReduce armor penalties by 1
Armor piercing1 fortune to ignore armor points
ArmorbreakerDestroy armor instead of crit damage
AssassinateAg+1d6 dam when hidden or surprising
Bar brawler2+1d6 dam on unarmed/knuckles
Battle rageFrenzyWhen frenzied, x2 strength to dam
BlatherOpposed deception/logic to cause disadvantage
Bleeding strikeWS1 fortune to add bleeding to damage
Blinding strikeWS1 fortune to add blinded to damage
Blood lashWPSpend move and -1HP to cause bleed
BloodlettingTake bleed for advantage vs disease/poison
Brutal strikeAdd S to dam, opponent gains advantage to hit
Bypass armor1 fortune to ignore impact reduction
CleaveDeal leftover dam to next opponent
Clever shotCover penalties reduced
Cloak parryCloak has +1 parry
DeathstrikeSpend action to deal 2x dam next time
Debilitating strikeLoose action instead of damage
Defend mountForce to attack you instead of mount
Dervish attackRoundhouse attackDeal full dam on all that are hit
Destroy armor+1d6 dam to armor
DiehardT+3 HP
Disarming strikeOpposed test to disarm
DrilledDam +1 when next to ally
Drunken fighterOpponents gain disadvantage
Entangling strikeEntangle when hitting
Execute+3d6 dam to prone/restrained opponent
Exploit advantageExtra advantage on advantage
Extended crit rangeCrit range +1
FrenzyWhen frenzied, advantage to hit
Furious assault1 fortune to make extra attack at disadvantage
Grab weaponGrab opponents impact weapon
GrapplerAdvantage when grappling
Improved initiativeAdvantage to initiative
In-fightingAdvantage to hit, +1d6 dam vs polearms
Inspire alliesFel1 fortune to give allies advantage to hit
Iron JawTIgnore 1 stun condition
Jump strike IAdvantage on dam when jumping down
Jump strike IIJump strike I+1d6 dam when jumping down
Knockout strikeAdvantage to dam with impact weapons
Long shotRange increment 1 reduced
Mobile dodgeWhen moving, +1 dodge
MobilityIgnore difficult terrain
Mounted fighterAdvantage against unmounted opponents
One-hand dodging+1 dodge with empty offhand
One-hand fencing+1 parry with empty offhand
Parry arrowsAdd shield parry bonus to dodge
Parry masterAdd both hands’ parry bonus
PistolierOnly offhand pistol at disadvantage
Powerful strikeS, 4-1 to hit, +1d6 damage
Protect allySpend move to protect ally
Pull closerPull when hitting with entangle
Push awayPush when hitting with impact weapon
Relentless chargeS+1d6 dam when charging
Relentless rageFrenzyWhen frenzied, ignore knockdown
Reliable hitSAdvantage on dam with that weapon
Riposte I+1d6 dam when opponent misses
Riposte IIRiposte IAdvantage to hit when opponent misses
Robust+1 impact reduction
Roundhouse attackDivide dam on all that are hit
Rout alliesFelSpend action to remove fear from allies
Sanguine brokerTransfer HP from one to another
Shield pushPush with a shield
ShieldbreakerBreak shield instead of damage
Smash hard1d6 impact dam with lethal dam
Stealth shotRemain hidden on ranged attacks
Stunning strikeWS1 fortune to add stun to damage
TauntOpposed test to force to attack you
Terrain masterCreate cover, (dis)advantageous/difficult terrain
Thick hideT+1 armor point
Tough as nailsEndurance test to stay conscious at 0 stun
Trancing danceWhen moving, advantage vs fear/charm
TripTrip when hitting
Two-weapon fightingOnly offhand at disadvantage
Twohanded master2+1/2 S to dam on two-handed melee weapons
UnbleedingTIgnore 1 bleeding condition
Undieing rageFrenzyWhen frenzied, gain T temporary HP
UntiringTIgnore 1 fatigue condition
War leaderAllies gain advantage vs fear
WardancerWhen moving, +1d6 melee damage
Weapon specializationWS, 4+1 dam with that melee weapon
Witty reparteeInsult to gain +1 damage

Craft/gather Talents

TalentMaxPrereqShort Description
BrewingInt, 4CareerCan brew potions
CraftingInt, 4CareerCraft items (50% price)
HerbalismInt, 4CareerCan gather herbs
InventorInt, 4CareerMake item modifications
PoisonerInt, 4CareerCan create poisons
RunesmithingWP, 5CareerCan add runes to items

Divine Talents

TalentMaxPrereqShort Description
Write purity sealFel, 4CareerSpend endeavor to create purity seal(s)
AnnointedPray IPrayers cost 1 faith point less, never 0
DevoutPray IGain WP extra faith point max
Pray ICareerCan invoke lvl 1 prayers, WP faith point max
Pray IIPray ICan invoke lvl 2 prayers, 2xWP faith point max
Pray IIIPray IICan invoke lvl 3 prayers, 3xWP faith point max
Pray IVPray IIICan invoke lvl 4 prayers, 4xWP faith point max
Holy hatred (group)CareerPrayers deal +1d6 dam vs chosen group
Impassioned zealFelCareerAttract followers

Fortune Talents

TalentMaxPrereqShort Description
Extra fortunate4+1 fortune point max
Fortune burning4May use 1 extra fortune point/turn
LuckyRecover 1 extra fortune

Magick Talents

TalentMaxPrereqShort Description
Aetheric attunementCareerReduce miscast tally by WP after miscast
Arcane Magick ICareerCan cast level 1 arcane spells, all lores
Arcane Magick IIArcane Magick ICan cast level 2 arcane spells, half lores
Arcane Magick IIIArcane Magick IICan cast level 3 arcane spells, quadrant lores
Arcane Magick IVArcane Magick IIICan cast level 4 arcane spells, 1 lore
Battle wizardWPCareerArmor pen. 1 less; no miscast disadv in melee
Blood MagickWPTake HP-1 for CN-1
CounterspellCareerMay defend against spells
Dissipate channelingMay build down channeling
Distant spellCareerIncrease spell range, CN+2
Empower spellCareerReroll damage, CN+2
Favorite spellIntCareerCN-1 on one spell
Hidden spellIntCareerNo sound/gestures on one spell
Lasting spellCareerDouble duration, CN+2
Magick resistanceWP, 3CareerGain +1 Magick DC
Quick castingCareerCast 2 spells, each CN+2
Reflect spellCounterspellMay reflect spell back to caster
Second sightCareerSense magick

Skill Talents

TalentMaxPrereqShort Description
Advanced educationAdvanced math, science, literature
Alley catAdvantage on stealth in urban
AmputateAmputate limb to save from death
Animal affinityAnimals do simple things
Animal trainingCan train animals
ArgumentativeAdvantage when debating
Armor repairRepair double armor points/day
AttractiveAdvantage to charm other gender
Beneath noticePeople ignore you
BlindBlind, but observant via sound
BriberAdvantage on bribe
CamouflageMay hide a group of characters
CauterizeTurn bleeding into wounds
CheatingSleight of hand test to reroll die/draw card
ClimbAdvantage on climbing
Commanding presenceAdvantage on Fel to lower status
Consume alcoholAdvantage when consuming alcohol
CounterfeitRead/writeCan counterfeit licenses/permits/…
CourageAdvantage to resist fear/torture
DeafDeaf, but observant via sight
DealmakerFel, 5Buy/sell items at ±5%
Deep pocketsHave simple items
Discern liesAdvantage to detect lies/counterfeit
DisguiseAdvantage on disguise
Dramatic entranceFortune point for social advantage
Dramatic escapeFortune point for escape
DriveCan drive land vehicles
ElusiveHide your trail
Escape artistAdvantage to escape grapple/ropes/…
Fast healerTHeal +1HP/night
Fast movementAgMovement +1 (+10m outdoors, +5m indoors)
First aidIntMedicine test and full round to heal 1 HP
ForesightFortune to force opponent reroll
Gold feverAdvantage to spot precious items
GossipFelGain 1 rumour/session
Hide in natureAdvantage on stealth in nature
HunterProvide food when outdoors
ImprovisationUse other skill if narrated
InfiltrationBlend into a group
InterrogateAdvantage on interrogation/torture
InvestigativeGain clues
Iron stomachAdvantage vs ingested poisons/diseases
Kip upGet up with no move
LiarAdvantage when lying
Lip readingMay read lips
Long jumpAdvantage and 2x range/height on jump
LoreDeep knowledge on subject
MenacingAdvantage on intimidation
Night visionPRacialSee clearly in dim light for 20m
Noble bloodBorn from noble family
PerformerAdvantage when performing/entertaining/art
Pick lockCareerCan use lock picking tools
Read and writeCan read and write
RideRide horses
SailCan use ships
Secret identityHave a secret identity/life
Secret SignsUnderstand secret signs
Set trapsCan set traps
Stitch upAdvantage to remove bleeding
Sturdy travelerAdvantage on travel endurance
SurgeonMedicine test and 1 hour to heal 1 HP/day
SwimCan swim
TrackCan track
Unseen moveHiding is a free action
UnshakableNo cool check on blackpowder fire
Use ropeAdvantage when using ropes
Use war machinesCan use war machines

Divination Talents

TalentMaxPrereqShort Description
DivinationUse endeavor to roll Int dice; can be used to swap

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